“Ring Around The Moon Means Rain Soon”

If you look up to the sky tonight you cannot help but notice a large ring of light around the moon, this is known by meteorologists as a 22º halo, this is because the radius of the halo is always approximately 22 degrees.

An old saying has it that a “ring around the moon means rain soon” and there is a degree of truth to this saying, because there is around a 55% chance that there will be some kind of storm.

The halos are a sign that there is a layer of semi-translucent cirrostratus cloud drifting over 20,000 feet high composed of minuscule ice crystals, right now the reflected sunlight from the full moon is being refracted through these crystals, and layers of this form of cloud do often precede storms.

In some Native American cultures the colour of the ring determines the nature of the storm, with a brown ring forecasting rain and a white one, like this, snow. This phenomenon is also thought by some cultures to be highly auspicious, or signifying a period of great change.

Edit: the planet to the right of the moon is Jupiter


Published by Northwest nature and history

Hi, my name is Alexander Burton-Hargreaves, I live and work in the Northwest of England and over the years I have scribbled down about several hundred bits and pieces about local nature, history, culture and various other subjects. I’m using Wordpress to compile these in a sort of portfolio with the aim of eventually publishing a series of books, I hope you enjoy reading my stuff!

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