Caring for newborn calves

Spring is a very busy time for the livestock farmer when lambing and calving both get well underway, there are just so many jobs to do. It’s also a very intense time in terms of keeping up with changes in the industry and maintaining a competitive edge, as factors like improvements in cattle and dairyContinue reading “Caring for newborn calves”

Down on the farm in January

As we have passed the shortest day of the year, the winter solstice, we can now see the days slowly grow in length, minute by minute, day by day. On the farm the longer days are a sign that spring, the busiest time of year, is on its way, the increase in daylight also givesContinue reading “Down on the farm in January”

Traditional Field Barns of the Northwest of England

Traditional Field Barns of the Northwest The North of England is famous for its ancient, man-made landscape of rolling fields crossed with drystone walls and dotted, seemingly haphazardly, with stone barns which are so integral to the countryside here that it would look empty without them. Many of these barns are made from the veryContinue reading “Traditional Field Barns of the Northwest of England”

Belted Galloways

The Belted Galloway is a very hardy breed of beef cattle, traditionally from South-west Scotland, able to subsist on pastures which are too poor for other breeds of cattle. Smaller than other breeds you might see in the British countryside, like the red/brown Limousine or the black and white Friesian, they are similar in sizeContinue reading “Belted Galloways”

Livestock Farming in Summer; a look at a few of the many jobs a livestock farmer has to do in the summer months

A year round job Farming is an all year round job, and whilst some of us might be leafing through holiday brochures, kitting out the camper van for an escape to the coast, or simply putting our feet up in the garden, farmers will be as busy as always in the summer months. Here areContinue reading “Livestock Farming in Summer; a look at a few of the many jobs a livestock farmer has to do in the summer months”

Down on the Dairy farm in March

Dairy farming Whilst I write a fair bit about sheep farming on here there are of course other ways in which the land of the Northwest is farmed, after all we produce over 15% of the UK’s farmed food and ¼ of the nation’s milk! With this is in mind I’d like to write aContinue reading “Down on the Dairy farm in March”