Hair Ice

Hair ice, also known as Frost Beard or Ice Wool, is very rare and only forms in very specific conditions, for many centuries its formation had been a complete mystery to science. However researchers found in 2015 that it is formed by a fungus, Exidiopsis effusa, it only forms between 45° and 55° North inContinue reading “Hair Ice”

The Shaggy Inkcap

The Shaggy Inkcap is commonly found in the autumn months growing on roadside verges, in meadows and on garden lawns, its scientific name, Coprinus comatus, coprinus meaning ‘of dung’ and comatus meaning ‘shaggy’ or ‘hairy’, is fairly descriptive of its nature, it is also known as the ‘judges wig’. Its most common name, ‘Inkcap’ comesContinue reading “The Shaggy Inkcap”

Hazel Glove Fungus

The Hazel Glove fungus Hypocreopsis rhododendri, is a member of the ascomycete genus of funghi, which derives its name from the ancient Greek word ‘ascus’, which means sac. On this species the the openings of these sacs are visible as black dots on the surface of the funguses orange fingers. This fungus is found fruitingContinue reading “Hazel Glove Fungus”

The Edible, or King Boletus

The Edible boletus, or King boletus, Boletus edulis, edulis indicating that it is edible and boletus coming from ‘clod’, as the round fist-sized caps of some of the most highly prized specimens are earth-coloured, is considered to be amongst the best edible funghi to be found in the world and is widely collected across theContinue reading “The Edible, or King Boletus”