Bashall Eaves

Bashall Eaves is a small village about 5 miles from Clitheroe on the road to Whitewell and a mile away from Browsholme estate. It’s a very small and cosy place, composed of a handful of pretty cottages, a post-office which is only open from 10 til 2 on a Tuesday, the village hall and, justContinue reading “Bashall Eaves”

The Gardens and Grounds of Browsholme Hall

Browsholme Hall dates from the 13th century and like many of England’s finest country houses is surrounded by landscaped parkland and gardens. The hall has always been the home of the Parker family who have made many alterations and improvements over the centuries. (See this article for a history of the hall and the ParkerContinue reading “The Gardens and Grounds of Browsholme Hall”

Walloper Well

Walloper well is found about halfway up Easington Fell on the road between Clitheroe and Newton, it is a well known local landmark having been there since before the Norman conquest. Its name ‘Walloper’ comes from the Norman term for the indigenous people of the British isles ‘Walha’. Although a local, and very misogynistic, folkContinue reading “Walloper Well”

Mitton Hall

Mitton Hall stands just outside the village of Mitton near the confluence of the Ribble and Hodder, it is a grade 2 listed Tudor manor, famously painted by William Turner and built in the late 14th century by the Catterall family. The Catterall family are originally from Goosnargh and married into the de Mitton family,Continue reading “Mitton Hall”

Downham Hall

Downham Hall is the home of the Assheton family who own Downham estate, it was designed by architect George Webster in 1835 and built on the foundations of and with stone from an earlier sixteenth century hall. It was rebuilt in a simple, classical style compared to other buildings that George Webster designed in orderContinue reading “Downham Hall”

A Brief History of Browsholme Hall

Deep in the wooded countryside of Bowland sits the privately owned Elizabethan hall of Browsholme, inhabited by the Parker family and commonly stated in tourist brochures to be the oldest family home in the area, although several local family-owned farms also hold claims to this title. In this article i’ll briefly look at the historyContinue reading “A Brief History of Browsholme Hall”

Bothvar’s Cattle Farm

Bothvar was a Norse cattle farmer who settled in the Bowland area between 900 to 1100 AD, not much more is known about him or his fate, what is known is that he established a cattle farm near Dunsop bridge which is now called Beatrix Farm. The Norse that settled in the north of EnglandContinue reading “Bothvar’s Cattle Farm”

The Hodder Bridge Hotel

The Hodder bridge hotel The Hodder Bridge Hotel was once a very popular country Inn overlooking the Hodder near the village of Chaigley, It sits next to the Higher Hodder bridge at the foot of Kemple End. The hotel has now been converted into private houses but was once locally famous, with the views fromContinue reading “The Hodder Bridge Hotel”