Ring Ouzel in Bowland, notes and observations

The Ring Ouzel, Turdus torquatos is a member of the Thrush family and in appearance is similar to a Blackbird, indeed another common name for them is the ‘Mountain Blackbird’. They are quite a smart looking bird, jet black all over except for a bright white band across their breast, this is referred to inContinue reading “Ring Ouzel in Bowland, notes and observations”

Tawny Owls and their calls

The Tawny Owl, Strix aluco is our most common and widespread native Owl, found throughout the British isles except in Ireland where it is a very rare visitor. Their call is very well known too, it’s the familiar noise heard on tv soundtracks and radio shows to signify that a scene is based at night.Continue reading “Tawny Owls and their calls”

Lesser Celandine

Lesser Celandine, Ficaria Verna, (ficaria meaning ‘of a fig’ and being a reference to the root structure of the plant, and verna being a girl’s name of Latin origin meaning ‘springtime’), is one of the first flowers to raise its head in the spring. Its common name Celandine comes from the Latin chelīdonius, which inContinue reading “Lesser Celandine”

The Role of the Sheep in Shaping Britain’s History and Landscape, Part One

Part One; How sheep farming became a major industry in the British isles There are currently around 38 million sheep in British isles, made up of more than 60 different breeds, not to mention an enormous variety of crossbreeds, or ‘mules’. In this series of articles I’ll write about the history of some of theseContinue reading “The Role of the Sheep in Shaping Britain’s History and Landscape, Part One”

The Red-tailed Bumblebee

The Red-Tailed Bumblebee The Red-tailed Bumblebee’s scientific name is Bombus lapidarius, bombus simply meaning bee and lapidarius meaning ‘relating to stones’, referring to the small mounds of tiny gravel found where the bumblebee has dug a nest. Common and easily identifiable It is a common and easily identifiable Bumblebee found all across the British islesContinue reading “The Red-tailed Bumblebee”