Bridges over the River Hodder; the bridge to Knowlmere Manor

Knowlmere Manor is an 18th century calendar house near Dunsop Bridge, calendar houses being an architectural style whereas features of the building correspond to numbers on a calendar, i.e: 52 windows, 12 gable-ends or 7 chimneys etc. The manor has two private access roads one of which crosses over the river Hodder, called Knowlmere ManorContinue reading “Bridges over the River Hodder; the bridge to Knowlmere Manor”

Wood Sorrel, the original Shamrock

Wood Sorrel’s scientific name, Oxalis acetosella, derives from the Greek Oxys, meaning ‘acid, or ‘sharp’, and hális, which means ‘salt’. Acetosella comes from the Latin acetum, meaning ‘vinegar’ or ‘sour wine’. It is one of the earliest spring-flowering plants of the woodland floor, along with Wood Anenome, Bluebell and Wild Garlic and is characteristic ofContinue reading “Wood Sorrel, the original Shamrock”

Abbeystead Weir

Abbeystead reservoir was built in 1853 to supply mills further downstream in dry weather and is a popular local beauty spot. The graceful horseshoe-shaped weir beside it, also known as Abbeystead waterfall, is particularly worth visiting in the spring, when the surrounding woods are carpeted with Bluebells, Marsh Marigolds and other plants of the woodlandContinue reading “Abbeystead Weir”

Sirius, the Bright and Ever-changing Dog Star

On clear cloudless nights it is always worth chucking your big coat on and popping outside to see what you can spot in our night skies, especially if you are lucky enough to live somewhere clear of light pollution. Earlier in the year offers the best opportunities to observe the brightest star that is visibleContinue reading “Sirius, the Bright and Ever-changing Dog Star”

Stockbridge Road Launderette

Stockbridge Road Launderette has served the northern English town of Padiham for decades, functioning, as many do, as a form of social hub as well as just a place to wash that smelly football kit. Here are some snaps taken by me and L B-H to record the unique character of this humble, utilitarian yetContinue reading “Stockbridge Road Launderette”

A Short Introduction to the Long and Fascinating History of Hornby Castle

Hornby castle dates from the 13th century and sits, resplendent in its well-tended gardens and grounds, just outside the village of Hornby in the Lune valley, strategically situated near the confluence of the river Lune and river Wenning. Its gardens are nationally famous and opened to the public several days a year but the hallContinue reading “A Short Introduction to the Long and Fascinating History of Hornby Castle”

Walshaw Moor Windfarm, the Importance of Wide-open spaces for our Mental Wellbeing

Walshaw Moor is an area of great ecological and cultural value situated in West Yorkshire, it can be found on the map within a triangle formed by the towns of Burnley, Keighley and Todmorden and could soon be the site of the largest onshore wind farm in England with 65 turbines towering over 200m (492-657ft).Continue reading “Walshaw Moor Windfarm, the Importance of Wide-open spaces for our Mental Wellbeing”

Waddington Old Hall

Waddington Old Hall stands behind ornate wrought iron gates in the famously pretty village of Waddington and has a long history entwined with Lancashire and the ancient family names who shaped the county. The oldest parts of the hall date from the 11th century and from the 1300’s the hall was the seat of theContinue reading “Waddington Old Hall”