Red breasted Merganser

Red breasted Merganser, Mergus serrator, can be seen on Stocks reservoir at the moment from the bird hides, and on streams and rivers in the area too. This unusual diver is a partial migrant in the British isles, heading inland from the coast when bad weather arrives to find more sheltered places to fish. TheContinue reading “Red breasted Merganser”

Greenhalgh Castle

Greenhalgh castle consists of the ruins of the base of one tower of a castle built in 1490 on the outskirts of the small town of Garstang. The ruins of the castle are on private land but can be seen from Millenium green park by the side of the river Wyre where there is anContinue reading “Greenhalgh Castle”

The Water Ouzel

The Dipper, or Water Ouzel Cinclus cinclus, (cinclus originating from a Greek word ‘kinklos’, meaning ‘small’) is the British isle’s only aquatic song-bird, it is sleek yet dumpy at the same time with beautifully dark, chestnut coloured plumage and one of the finest swimmers you will ever witness. Aquatically Adept An expert swimmer the DipperContinue reading “The Water Ouzel”

The Grey Wagtail

The Grey Wagtail’s scientific name is Motacilla cinerea, Motacilla originating from the Latin word mota, meaning ‘move’ or ‘shake’, which is the root for words such as ‘motive’ and ‘mobile’ and cinerea coming from the Latin for ‘ashes’ or ‘grey’, being the root for ‘cinders’ and ‘incinerated’. Unlike a lot of scientific names which reallyContinue reading “The Grey Wagtail”

The Brown Hawker

Brown Hawker The Brown Hawker, Aeshna grandis is one of our largest dragonflies, it is also one of the commonest and most widely distributed, frequently seen throughout the British isles up to the limits of its range in the north of Scotland, the southwest and Ireland. Appearance It is a very distinctive looking dragonfly withContinue reading “The Brown Hawker”

The AgeUK Lancashire Canal Canoe Challenge 2023

AgeUK Lancashire’s Annual Canoe Challenge is back! The Lancaster Canal currently stretches over 42 miles from the City of Preston to the village of Tewitfield near the county’s northern boundary, it is a very popular waterway for all sorts of reasons, for its scenic beauty, long history, wildlife, but not least because it is theContinue reading “The AgeUK Lancashire Canal Canoe Challenge 2023”