The Hills are Alive, with the Sound of Bleating!

(My original title for this article was going to be ‘lambing time, a season of anticipation, and worry’ but I think my wife’s title is more fun!) Lambing Time For most sheep farmers right now lambing time is getting into full swing. Sheep pens all across the countryside will soon be alive with the questioningContinue reading “The Hills are Alive, with the Sound of Bleating!”

The Controversial practice of Controlled Burning

Controlled burning, also known as Prescribed burning, Muirburn or Heather burning, has long been used as a method of managing the heather moorlands of the U.K. Every year, from the 1st of October to the 15th of April in upland areas and from the 1st of November to the 31st of March in other areas,Continue reading “The Controversial practice of Controlled Burning”

The Rocks beneath our feet, Part 1

The Ice Age and Glacial Erratics The Ice Age As with all parts of the British isles the Northwest of England owes the current shape and form of its landscape to the geological processes of many hundreds of millions of years, some of which we‘ll look at in this series of articles. The most obviousContinue reading “The Rocks beneath our feet, Part 1”